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Graphic design training school

Graphic design training school

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  • Release time:2022-07-14 11:26:56
  • Detailed introduction

Computer application major

Duration: 1 year /3 years /3+2 college through training

Training goal: The computer network technology major is the brand major of the university。Established school-enterprise cooperation with well-known enterprises such as Huawei Technologies Co., LTD., Shanghai Sensetime Technology Co., LTD., and Deep Convincing Technology Co., LTD。There are more than 100 students in this major,It mainly cultivates ideological and political firmness, combined cultivation of moral and technical skills, and all-round development,Have good professional quality and innovation ability,Master computer network technology, operating system, database, programming and other knowledge,Have the ability of computer network system development, network system construction, network service maintenance and network system management,High-quality technical talents who can engage in the application and development of computer network engineering。

Core courses: Database principles and SQL, SERVER, Oracle database management, object-oriented programming,Network security management and maintenance technology,HTML and JavaScript,Late maintenance and operation of the network,Direction of network planning and design: Linux system and network management, network server configuration and management, router switch configuration and management, enterprise network construction, network cabling technology, network testing and fault diagnosis, network intrusion detection and prevention;Website design direction: training course: the ASP dynamic website construction, the JAVA web application development, the PHP server-side scripting language, Dreamweaver firework Flash web design, div + CSS layout。

Practical teaching

Professional analysis: The training of this major meets the needs of the development and application of computer technology in enterprises and institutions,Have a solid computer basic knowledge, computer professional knowledge and strong computer office automation, database and other common software application ability, computer network basic application ability,Be able to engage in computer related applications such as computer office automation and computer software application in relevant departments of enterprises and public institutions,Moral, intellectual, physical, beauty all-round development of computer professional advanced applied talents,Achieve "a diploma,Multiple certificates,A skill,One specialist has many abilities,Quality and academic excellence "training objectives。

Employment direction:Harbin Technical SchoolGraduates can work in enterprises, organs, schools, hospitals and other units engaged in network wiring, equipment installation, commissioning, configuration and maintenance, web design and development and small network database application system development。He can also work in commercial network companies, Internet of Things technology companies, cloud computing, big data companies, etc., engaged in network construction and network equipment sales and after-sales service, website planning, design, material collection and processing, web production, network security operation and maintenance, cloud computing system maintenance engineer, etc。Salary description: This professional talent is in high demand and has broad employment prospects。At present, the monthly salary of computer technology and other positions is generally above the average post salary, and the salary will continue to increase with the growth of service years and the promotion of post titles/positions。

Practical teaching

Admission requirements:

1, no administrative demerit and other major punishments, no criminal record。

2, the basic quality requirements: integrity, optimism, pragmatic innovation, unity and cooperation, strong sense of service;Have high moral cultivation, law-abiding。

3, Enrollment target: should, previous junior high school, high school graduates or equivalent education (including vocational high school, technical school, art school), the age of 15 years or more。

【太阳集团集团】 :

1, 3 years: students through the three-year study can choose direct employment or choose to participate in the secondary vocational education examination;After graduation, a certificate of graduation from a secondary school recognized by the State and a certificate of employment registration (with cadre status) will be issued.,Heilongjiang Province secondary vocational school education certificate inquiry website can be found;Students can obtain relevant professional qualifications,Have professional qualification。

Sample certificate

Sample vocational qualification certificate

2, 3+2 years: "3+2" through training is the use of segmented form of joint training, by secondary schools and junior colleges are responsible for training。Students study in our school for the first three years, awarded the national recognized secondary school graduation certificate, Heilongjiang Province secondary vocational school education certificate query website, after two years of study in the reported colleges and universities, by the reported colleges and universities issued by the state recognized junior college graduation certificate and employment registration certificate。After graduation, students can obtain Mandarin certificate, vocational qualification certificate (computer operator, network engineering, designer) and other related computer post certificates。

Sample certificate

[Admission Note] : Over the years, our school has paid attention to the improvement of students' academic qualifications and ability training, and has a strong teaching force. The teachers of various professional courses have rich teaching experience, encouraging students to improve their academic level and providing a good platform for students to study。

[Way of education] : "There is a way out of employment, there are channels for education, innovation has the ability, and development has the way out", which has become the advantage of our school to train students, and "studying secondary vocational school and going to colleges and universities is not a dream" as a highlight of the school, increasing the attractiveness of our school。In recent years, the school has changed from "employment-oriented" to "study-oriented" or "study and employment" training direction。Higher vocational education in the "3 + 2" higher vocational through training, education, individual test, comprehensive evaluation model, really opened up a multiple channel for the secondary vocational students。

Sample of admission notice for students enrolled in universities

1. Vocational education college entrance examination

On September 13, 2021 in heilongjiang province people's government issued by the "deepening the reform of college exam comprehensive implementation plan" in heilongjiang province, deepen the reform of higher vocational education classification the recruitment of students test, the vocational education entrance part of a major adjustment。Vocational education Spring College Entrance Examination referred to as "vocational Education College Entrance Examination"。It is held in May each year and is mainly for vocational and adult education students。Starting from 2024, the provincial secondary vocational schools' matching entrance examination will be adjusted to the provincial vocational education spring college entrance examination, gradually increasing the enrollment plan of undergraduate colleges and universities, and gradually expanding the scope of enrollment institutions to national colleges and universities。The provincial unified organization of cultural courses examination and vocational skills test, by the provincial entrance examination institutions unified organization and implementation;The vocational skills test is sponsored by the provincial Admission Examination Institute, organized and implemented by the leading institutions, and can be carried out by written test, practical operation or a combination of written test and practical operation according to needs。Vocational school graduates enjoy the same treatment as ordinary school graduates in employment, settlement, participation in recruitment, evaluation of professional titles, promotion and other channels。

2.Single move for higher vocational education

"Higher vocational single enrollment" is a category of college entrance examination in China. The enrollment school is a vocational college in the province or a college with a higher education level. Single enrollment is a shortcut, and the chance for students with poor grades to go to college is greater than that of passing the ordinary college entrance examination。

3. General college entrance examination

Graduated from technical secondary school students can choose to attend unified national ordinary higher school enrolment entrance examination, in ordinary colleges and universities。

4. Adult continuing education

Our school has cooperated with more than ten colleges and universities in continuing education for many years, senior high school starting college, junior college starting college, senior high school starting college, graduate from the cooperative university issued by the national education series of adult education junior college, undergraduate certificate, electronic registration of the Ministry of Education, national recognition of academic qualifications, Xuexin network can be checked。


1. National student aid:

Recipients: families with special financial difficulties, 6,000 yuan per child;Urban and rural low-income families, 4,000 yuan per child;Poor county, that is, 11 poor counties in Heilongjiang Province rural registered students, 2,000 yuan per student。: 11 counties in longjiang county and tai county, gannan county, fuyu, g, baiquan county, lindian county, wangkui county, east county, qinggang, MingShui in lanxi county, such as 11 continuous destitute areas in rural students (excluding the county) covered all enjoy national stipend。

2. National Scholarship:

According to the Interim Measures for the Evaluation of National Scholarships for Secondary Vocational Education formulated by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, and the Ministry of Finance, students whose academic performance ranks in the top 5% (including 5%) of the same major in their grade can apply for national scholarships, each student 6,000 yuan per year。

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